

2022/10/14 14:40:09    上海新航道学校

摘要: 雅思词汇解析,释义到用法,清清楚楚,每一次的进步,都是来自点点滴滴的积累,新航道雅思培训班小编给大家带来关于词汇解析,希望帮助各位考生们!


  revolve v. /r?'v?lv/


  The earth revolves around the sun.


  The moon and thousands of other satellites revolve around the earth.


  My whole world revolves around my work!

  I feel like my life revolves around school, I have missed out on exploring the world by being stuck in a classroom or home to study.


  Only children have had a really bad press- a lot of studies have branded them as loners who think the world revolve around them because they have never had to fight for their parents’ attention.

  问:“The people who think the world revolve around them”这个什么性格呢?

  A: introverted

  B: caring

  C: selfish

  原题答案:C: Selfish. 当然这只是对独生子的一种刻板印象, 不可取!

  Getaway n. /'get?we?/

  Get away 短语大家都熟悉,是离开,逃离的意思。

  e.g. The robbers got away from the police. 劫匪在警察的眼皮底下逃脱。


  e.g. I'm taking some time off because I really need to get away for a few days. 这里get away 特指外出度假,或者休假。

  那么 getaway 作为名词就不难理解了,

  It is a place where people go for a short vacation/ It is a short holiday somewhere. 可以说一个假日休闲地或者是一个短假。


  Taihu Lake is a popular weekend getaway.

  We have booked a romantic getaway to the seaside.

  Butterfly n. /'b?t?fla?/


  1. The butterfly emerged from the pupa(蛹).


  I have butterflies in my stomach. 表示心理七上八下。


  Even after 15 years of performing in front of an audience I still gets butterflies before a show.

  Social butterfly! 交际花!社牛!



