

2018/7/25 14:12:39    上海新航道学校

摘要: 雅思口语是中国考生们的一大头疼科目,难以提高的科目.今天,上海新航道雅思小编给大家带来了2018.7.21雅思考试机经回忆解析口语范文,希望帮助考生对照口语范文研究真题,充分备考,争取理想成绩,实现留学梦想。


  Describe a TV program

  You should say:

  What the TV program is

  How you know it

  What it is like

  Why you like it


  The program I am going to talk about is a TV series called criminal minds.The first time I saw it can be traced back to 6 years ago when I was browsing Douban, a TV series ranking website.This drama was at the top of the list,getting a score of 9.5 out of 10.I thought there must be something good in it.So I downloaded it and began watching.

  At the first sight,I was absorbed. Unlike other crime series,which focus on the crime itself and the process to discover evidence,this one concentrates on the psychological journey of the suspect.What prompts him to generate the ideas to break the law and what triggers him to put these terrible ideas into practice. Every episode begins with a murder.Then the agents from FBI would go to the crime scene and collect clues,based on which, they would deduct the psychological feature and behavior pattern of the criminal.Then they narrow the scope of the search and catch the bad guy.

  This series probes into the dark side and contradiction of human nature, revealing that a criminal is not born to be a criminal,but cultivated to be one by the environment.That is why I like it.

  上海雅思培训班 ,一个盛产高分的摇篮,想和他们一起并肩成为学霸,赶紧加入我们吧!



