
2017/5/3 16:44:33    上海新航道学校

摘要: 中国数学的难度相比较于美国难很多,所以在SAT没改革前,SAT数学满分考生比比皆是。进入新SAT时代后,从新SAT考试成绩的数据统计中不难发现能到800分的考生是非常罕见的,780分以上的也是寥寥无几,大部分都集中在700—750之间。是什么原因造成这个看似简单却拿不到最高分的考试呢?那是因为你没有找到学习的正确技巧和方法。



  The general form of the equation is

  The slope-intercept form is

  The slope of the line is represented by m and is defined to be the ratio of, where and are any two points on the line. The y-intercept is b.

  The slope-point form is


  If the slopes if line l and k are each defined (that is, if neither line is a vertical line), then

  (1)line l and k are parallel if and only if they have the same slope;

  (2)Line l and line k are perpendicular if and only if the product of their slopes is -1.

  例题9. f(x) = 2x – 1 and g(x) is a linear function that is perpendicular to f(x). If (0, 4) is a point of g(x), at what point do f(x) and g(x) intersect?

  (A) (0, -1)

  (B) (1, 1)

  (C) (2, 3)

  (D) (3, 2)



  两个方程联立,解出 x=2, y=3。


  例题6. Luca’s pays $1195 per month for rent plus 10 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) used for electricity. If Luca used x kWh in one month, which expression best represents the amount of money in dollars Luca needs to pay for his apartment?

  (A) 1195 + 0.1x

  (B) (1195 + 0.1)x

  (C) 1195 + 10x

  (D) (1195 + 1)x




  例题7. Which of the following equations has the same slope as 2y + 6x = 5?

  (A) x + 3y = 1

  (B) 3x = –y + 5

  (C) y – 3x = 4

  (D) 6y = 2x – 1


  2y + 6x = 5是直线方程的一般形式,改写为斜截式:



  例题6. If f(x) = 2x + 2 is a linear function, which of the following is true for 4f(x)?

  (A) The slope is four times steeper than f(x).

  (B) The slope is four times less steep than f(x).

  (C) All values of x are four times greater than f(x) for the same values of y.

  (D) The slope changes, but the y-intercept remains the same as f(x).





  例题2. Which of the following expressions defines f(x) in the table above?

  (A) f(x) = x + 3

  (B) f(x) = x + 3

  (C) f(x) = x

  (D) f(x) = 2x



  新航道上海sat培训 开设有各种SAT培训班 ,小班教学,名师一对一指导,助教全程跟踪辅导,直达高分不在是梦。



