
2020/1/19 14:43:58    上海新航道学校

摘要: SAT写作的题目材料约700 词,是所有出国类写作考试中需要考生阅读的字数最多的,无形中也增加了其难度。要想在50分钟内从容完成SAT写作任务,不仅要知道SAT写作的设计思路和评分标准、掌握基本的论证切入手法,在语言表达的优化上也要下功夫。知道大家对写作很头痛,所以新航道章跃老师今天手把手教你,如何写好一篇SAT作文

  不同于托福的独立写作、雅思的大作文、GRE 的 Issue,SAT 写作独树一帜,难度可以说是最大的。

  考生需要根据已有的知识和经验对一个话题进行论证:要求考生在 50 分钟内,阅读一篇文章,以欣赏的眼光找到题目材料的论点和论据,理清其论证脉络,进行逻辑和修辞分析,最终形成一篇逻辑严谨、结构清晰的分析性文章。

  SAT写作的题目材料约700 词,是所有出国类写作考试中需要考生阅读的字数最多的,无形中也增加了其难度。要想在50分钟内从容完成SAT写作任务,不仅要知道SAT写作的设计思路和评分标准、掌握基本的论证切入手法,在语言表达的优化上也要下功夫。



  Follow the following steps to write your analytical essay on the given passage:


  Step 1: Read for the general idea and also for the progression, structure, and style of the passage;


  Step 2: Read with an eye for the specifics, including examples, statistics, quotes, wording, tone, and other things worth your attention, if any.


  When you write your analytical essay, you should write:

  In what ways, the author writes what with what intents or for what purposes.

  In other words, it is an essay summarizing the reading passage and analyzing how the reading passage is written.



  The whole passage may be divided into a number of bigger parts as follows:


 * Paragraphs 1-7,

  * Paragraphs 8-13,

  * Paragraphs 14-17.

  And when we write, we write according to this division, which indicates the passage’s progression and structure.

  The essay begins with examples of the author’s nephew and niece to make clear a point of his insistency of encouraging children to read. This point is strengthened in a more explicit way as the author, in the fourth paragraph, states that he is “steady” about children’s reading. A statistical contrast is then made to demonstrate “a marked and depressing change” that today’ s situation of minors’ reading is a disappointment and retrogression compared with the past. Immediately after the contrast, the author clarifies his intent that he is not “panhandling” for attention but truly believes the benefits of reading, which are to the brain, heart and spirit.

  Teacher’s NOTE: After reading this part of our essay, do you understand “In what ways, the author writes what with what intents or for what purposes”?


  The benefit for the brain is the first point the author intends to prove. At this point, The Guardian, which cites research on the close and symbiotic relationship between reading and intelligence, is quoted. First, a number of studies are used to show that reading fiction enables people to read people, to expand their social networks, and to develop empathy as a much-needed social skill. The neurological study at Emory University is to show that daily reading’s benefit the brain. At this point, the author has been clear about how reading develops the brain. The author then, thoughtfully, responds to his opponents, with the instance of himself and his friends that they “wake the next morning with thoughts less jumbled, moods less jangled” if they read before sleep rather than watch TV. The author then makes an analogy in which reading is compared to playing chess in terms of honing the ability to focus and concentrate. The writing technique is the highlight in making the analogy, as the point is made by a rhetorical question in Paragraph 13.

  Teacher’s NOTE: Again, after reading this part of our essay, do you understand “In what ways, the author writes what with what intents or for what purposes”?


  In the next two paragraphs, that reading promotes hearts and spirits is discussed through a comparison, which apparently is a strategy the author employs to show how reading cannot be superseded or replaced by the modern technology – digital products and movies. The comparison is made through quoting a psychology professor and two novelists. The quotation makes the author’s point objective, since what the author believes is however spoken by others rather than the author himself. Further, it is stated that reading elevates hearts and spirits as “(a book) fills you with this weird evangelical zeal”. In the wrap-up of the essay, it is concluded that “(books) stir emotions and spark thoughts” in a distinctive way, echoing his points made in the earlier paragraphs, in which he mentions that “reading does things – to the brain, heart and spirit”. His conviction at the end is also his implicit appeal, reserved yet in-depth.

  Teacher’s NOTE: For the third time, after reading this part of our essay, do you understand “In what ways, the author writes what with what intents or for what purposes”?




