

2020/4/6 16:50:25    上海新航道学校

摘要: 如何搞定托福听力多选题?托福听力考试中,让大部分考生比较头痛的一种题型就是多选题。多选题有四选二,五选三的形式,有时甚至是五选二,不过,多选题这种题型错1个,就不得分。下面给大家分析下如何掌握听力多选题技巧。






  Q:根据文本,当前预防疫情的最主要方式有哪两种?(Click on 2 answers)

  □ 尽量不出门

  □ 出门聚餐

  □ 经常洗手

  □ 戴口罩








  What are two aspects of location that need to be considered when planning a pedestrian mall?( TPO13-L2)

  Click on 2 answers

  □ The proximity to the customer base

  □ The number of nearby tourist sites

  □ The variety of restaurants in the area

  □ The access to public transportation


  Now let's start with the location. In choosing a specific location for a pedestrian mall, there are in fact two considerations: proximity to potential customers, um...that's what we would call a customer base, and accessibility to public transportation, which we will get to in just a moment.



  当听到two considerations时,预判会出多选题。我们要去识别并列点,关键词是proximity to potential customer和accessibility to public transportation。



  public tansp


  and, also, another, other, plus, not only… but also, first… second…


  How were scientists able to learn new information about Venus' surface? (TPO24L4)

  Click on 2 answers.

  □ More powerful telescopes allowed astronomers to see more surface details.

  □ Satellites were used to get radar images of Venus's surfaces.

  □ Space modules sent photographs after landing on Venus.

  □ A space probe was able to locate gaps among Venus' clouds.


  First of all, let me talk about how we have been able to get past those clouds. First, there were Soviet modules that landed directly on the surface and sent back some images of what was around them. Second, we did some radar imaging from satellites from above.



  根据信号词,first预判出题,标数字①,记下核心词S-module,再去等待第二个信号词second,再记下核心词 radar imagine。

  ① S-module

  ② radar image




