

2019/8/21 15:42:10    上海新航道学校

摘要: 托福考试前很多考生通过TPO练习来提高自己的托福解答能力,目前TPO也已经更新到55了,今天新航道上海学校托小编给为大家分享TPO55听力题目及答案解析(二),方便大家做考前练习!托福秋季班已上线,报秋季优惠多多!



 12. What is the main purpose of the lecture?

  A. To compare the effects of different types of exercise on learning

  B. To analyze the relationship between exercise and cardiovascular health

  C. To discuss research suggesting that exercise promotes cognitive function

  D. To elaborate on the importance of vigorous exercise in stress management

 13. What did researchers decide to investigate as a result of the research onsongbirds?

  A. Whether new neurons could develop in the adult human brain

  B. Which cognitive processes played the biggest role in researching songbirdsability to learn new songs

  C. Which brain chemicals were involved in neurogenesis in songbirds

  D. What role exposure to music plays in human brain development

 14. What is the professor's opinion about the research findings on rats thatwere administered BDNF?

  A. The findings should be used with caution when making claims about therole of BDNF in human fetal development

  B. The findings suggest that BDNF may play a role in the development ofneurons in humans

  C. The findings indicate that BDNF probably hindered rats ability to generatenew neurons

  D. The findings show that BDNF probably did not help rats remember how toperform certain tasks

  15. What does the professor imply may be important to prevent new neuronsfrom dying in adult humans?

  A. Vigorous exercise regimens

  B. Mentally stimulating learning environments

  C. Avoidance of radical weight gain or loss

  D. A healthy cardiovascular system

  16. What point does the professor make when she discusses stresshormones?

  A. Different individuals need different amounts of stress hormones for optimalbrain function.

  B. Learning is more likely to occur in individuals who are completely relaxed.

  C. Elevated stress hormones may indicate a need for more frequent exercise.

  D. Moderate exercise regimens may be more beneficial than extreme exerciseregimens.

 17. Listen again to part of the conversationlecture. then answer the question.Why does the professor say this:

  A. To signal that she will provide examples of studies that conflict with popularnotions about exercise

  B. To prompt the students to think about other benefits of exercise

  c. To imply that it is unnecessary to give additional examples to support herstatement about exercise

  D. To make the point that the health benefits of exercise are somewhatexaggerated


  18. Why did the adviser ask the student to meet with him?

  A. To express concern about her academic performance

  B. To discuss her course choices for the following semester

  C. To find out why she dropped a course

  D. To ask if she had changed her major course of study

  19. What did the adviser do to get more information before meeting with thestudent?

  A. He requested a record of the student's grades in all her art classes.

  B. He consulted a description of the course about Islamic art.

  C. He obtained a list of courses in which the student is enrolled.

  D. He checked the requirements for art history students.

  20. What do the speakers imply about the Islamic art course?

  A. It is an introductory course.

  B. It can be taken only in combination with an Islamic history course.

  C. Students need a recommendation from their academic adviser to take it.

  D. Most students are required to take an introductory art history course beforetaking it.

 21. What does the adviser imply about the meetings he has with students atbeginning of the semester?

  A. They should be scheduled at least two weeks in advance.

  B. They can help students avoid problems with their class schedules.

  C. Faculty members must be invited to the meetings.

  D. They are necessary only when a student has a problem.

 22. What does the adviser suggest that the student do?Click on 2 answers

  A. Make up the work she has missed

  B. Contact the registrar's office

  C. Apologize to an art history professor

  D. Drop the Islamic art course


  12. 答案:C


  Exercise also has a positive effect on our high level intellectual abilities.

  可以知道本篇是和智力能力相关的.也就是我们的认知功能cognitive function

  13. 答案:A


  This findings on songbirds opened up the questions of whether the same processesthat occurred in birds also occured in humans.因为这个研究成果开启了一个新的问题,就是好奇同样的过程是否也发生在人脑当中。

  14. 答案:B


  But the sheer numbers of studies that indicated the connections of animals say alot in my view.


  15. 答案:B


  They will just die out if they are not used for anything.所以他imply的是需要刺激。而之前女生的问题当中也进行了陈述mentally stimulated

  16. 答案:D


  教授说more is less。因为exercise越多,stress hormnones越多,这种荷尔蒙还会减少BDNF的量,所以,老师事项告诉男生不是越多越好。

  17. 答案:C



  18. 答案:A



  19. 答案:C


  I pulled up your file your schedule shows that.....可以知道是课程清单

  20. 答案:D


  Prof. waved the prerequisites in my case because he felt that I had enoughbackground in ant history to handle his course.




  It is strongly recomm ended that students meet with their advisors and now youcanseewhy就是因为女生没有确认好课程才导致禁停的这个局面,所以选择B选项

  22. 答案:B、C


  Don't forget to file a formal withdraw from introduction of at history with theregister's office by Friday.

  You might wanna apologize to professor miller as well

  以上就是TPO55听力题目+答案解析,更多托福资讯,请关注:托福频道托福培训哪家好 新航道上海学校量身定制学习课程,高能高分!



